JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Eight divers from the University of Indonesia Nature Lovers Student Organization (Mapala UI) will explore diving spots in the waters of Tomini Bay, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi on October 21 – November 4, 2017.
The underwater exploration activity entitled “Explore to Conserve” aims to map the tourism potential that can be offered by Parigi Regency.
Mapala UI Marine Exploration Chief Executive: Parigi Moutong Archipelago, Aulia Farazenia said that the diving activities will be carried out at points scattered in the area of Burah Wood, Maktata Wall, and Tanjung Inova.
Aulia said that this diving activity will produce reef check data which is expected to support the development of the Parigi Moutong location as a location for sustainable marine tourism and be able to compete with other diving destinations in the world.
“Parigi Moutong waters are indeed one of the untouched dive destinations, even though the potential is no less amazing than other diving destinations such as Wakatobi and Bunaken,” said Aulia in a press statement received by KompasTravel.
He said the team would also raise the Red and White flag, map coral reef spots, check the quality of coral reefs, and document potential underwater. This underwater exploration activity was also held to celebrate Youth Oath Day.
“This bay is also recorded as one of the points in the world coral triangle (Coral Triangle), often dubbed the Heart of Coral Triangle because there are a variety of giant corals measuring up to two meters in diameter. These corals form a coral garden which is touted as ‘a sinking paradise,’ he added.
Mapala UI dispatches eight divers who have been given special training for six months by a diving instructor from the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) Wedar Adji. The diving team will also carry out research on coral reefs using the reef check method developed by Reefcheck.org.
Aulia added that the coral reef area of 1,031 hectares stored in Tomini Bay has begun to be glimpsed by world divers.
To anticipate the development of inappropriate tourism, through this exploration Mapala UI will provide a report of recommendations to the local government.
“Hopefully with this exploration, it can further increase the tourism potential in Parigi (Moutong) so that it affects the economy of the people,” said Deputy Regent of Parigi Moutong, Badrun Nggai when met at the Sapta Pesona Building, Ministry of Tourism some time ago.
In safeguarding the potential of nature and biodiversity, Mapala UI invited PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) as one of the supporting partners to realize together ‘Sustainable Natural Resource Management’ in Parigi Moutong.
While to encourage sustainable tourism, AQUA Lestari (PT Tirta Investama) will support by educating the community about the preservation of coral reefs and not throwing garbage in the sea.
Education will be conducted at SDN 1 Parigi Moutong and SDN 3 Parigi Moutong with picture and motion media. Students will be invited to get to know more closely from the form, function, to its benefits to the marine ecocysts so that children can understand the importance of coral reefs for their preservation.
Source: Kompas.com