Jakarta, 29 January 2024 – Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) has recently celebrated its 14th anniversary, marking 14 years of commitment to advancing the country’s infrastructure development. Since its establishment, IIF has been mandated to act as a catalyst for infrastructure development in Indonesia through its financing activities.
Throughout these years, IIF has been guided by the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in its efforts to ensure the sustainability of the surrounding environment and promote the development of sustainable infrastructure projects in Indonesia.
As part of its 14th anniversary celebration, IIF has initiated a dialogue on Monday, 29 January 2024 with the theme “The Dynamics of Sustainable Infrastructure Financing and Its Roles in Achieving Food Security.” The dialogue featured various inspiring and educational speakers from the ESG, environmental, and sustainable development sectors. The event provided in-depth discussions on best practices in sustainable infrastructure financing and efforts to pave the way for food security and climate change mitigation.
The dialogue session was with a keynote speech by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati Indrawati, who emphasized the role of IIF in driving infrastructure growth in Indonesia as a mandate given at its establishment. “As one of the Special Mission Vehicle under the Ministry of Finance, I believe that IIF continues to be a solution provider in infrastructure financing in Indonesia.” she said.
The forum discussion held at the Astor Ball Room St. Regis Hotel Jakarta was divided into two sessions. The first session began with a comprehensive discussion on Sustainable Infrastructure in Achieving Food Security. The participants included Prof. Damayanti Buchori, Ph.D., – Head of Center for Transdisciplinary and Sustainability Sciences at Institut Pertanian Bogor, Euan Marshall – Country Director of International Finance Corporation, Jiro Tominaga – Country Director of Asian Development Bank, and Dr. Muhammad Chatib Basri – Academician and Professor of Economics and Business at Universitas Indonesia.
The second session was equally engaging, focusing on the funding allocated for sustainable infrastructure projects in Indonesia. During this session, the President Director of IIF, Reynaldi Hermansjah, presented on the company’s role in funding infrastructure projects while maintaining ESG aspects in each process. The session was also attended by experts in the field, such as Prof. Dr. Ir. Danang Parikesit, M.Sc.(Eng), IPU, APEC.Eng, – Founder and Senior Researcher at The Center of Transportation and Logistics Studies at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Satoshi Ishihara – Senior Development Specialist at the World Bank, and Aldo Artoko – President Director of Arkora Hydro.