Bali, 12 November 2022 – Known for being an enabler of sustainable development, PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (“IIF”) hosted the launching of ESG Framework and Manual with supports from Directorate General of Budget Financing and Risk Management DJPPR the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia MoF. The framework and manual is a documentation which consists of main principles, risks and implementing mechanism of ESG factors for infrastructure financing, which highlights Public Private Partnership PPP scheme by optimizing the function of Special Mission Vehicles SMV under the MoF.
For an institution that puts forward ESG aspects in every project it funds, the appointment of IIF by the MoF is apparent evidence of IIF’s credibility in the relevant field. The collaboration between MoF, UNDP and Canadian Government through the diplomacy of the World Bank in the launch of ESG Framework and Manual further reflects the inclusivity of IIF as an organization, as befits a sustainable infrastructure development sector.
The framework launch is a series of G20 Side Events. Given the importance of this event, Sri Mulyani Indrawati – the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia was pleased to attend along with Suminto – Director General of DJPPR, Luki Alfirman – Director General of Fiscal Balance, Heru Pambudi – Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance and several other notable officials. Other institutions that witnessed the launch include the UNDP, and the Embassy of Canada.
Although IIF has enforced ESG to its projects since its establishment, this framework marks another milestone. The intention of this launch is to prompt all private-public partnership projects listed under the MoF accredited for its ESG components. As a concrete corroboration that this commitment has been implemented into IIF’s projects, the event features an agreement signing between IIF and PT Angkasa Pura I (“AP I”), where IIF will provide ESG advisory to 15 airports operating under AP I.
Further dynamic was added to the launching as it included a dialogue session discussing: The Journey of ESG in Infrastructure Development in Indonesia. Where Wito Tantra, IIF’s CRO, moderated the panel with panelists such as Herry Trisaputra Zuna – Director General of Infrastructure Financing, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Satoshi Ishihara – Senior Development Specialist of World Bank, Aldo Artoko – President Director of Arkora Hydro, and active discussants from SMV under the MoF.
The President Director of IIF – Reynaldi Hermansjah, who was the key note speaker at the opening session stated “As an institution engaged in infrastructure funding under the umbrella of the Ministry of Finance, this launch is an extraordinary honor for us to be able to continue its idealism and practices. As an organization that always adheres to the principle of sustainability, we are contented in having played a major role in the preparation of the ESG framework, and most importantly today, we have the utmost opportunity to share the importance of the ESG framework in ensuring the sustainability of every investment in infrastructure development in Indonesia.”
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (“IIF”) is a private non-bank financial institution, which is engaged in infrastructure financing and advisory services that are professionally managed and focused on commercially viable infrastructure projects. IIF was established on January 15, 2010 at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia – Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia together with the World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other multilateral institutions.
In its operations, IIF applies best practices based on international standards in providing credit, risk management, good corporate governance, and social and environmental protection standards to ensure the sustainability of infrastructure development in Indonesia.
Further Queries:
Nastantio W. Hadi
Head of Legal and Corporate Secretary
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
Telp. (021) 2991 5060; Fax. (021) 2991 5061
[email protected]