Jakarta, May 2021 – For over more than a year, COVID-19 pandemic has hit Indonesia, since the first confirmed case identified in March 2020. Creating impacts to various sectors, including the infrastructure financing sector.
As an attempt to protect the health of its employees and their families, PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (“IIF”) in collaboration with PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) (“PT SMI”) have conducted the “Vaksin Gotong Royong” (“Program”) to accelerate vaccination program in obtaining herd immunity, as programmed by the Government of Indonesia. This Program is aimed for employees, their family as well as other affiliated individuals who have close contacts to the family where all expense for this Program will be covered by the Company.
The first phase of vaccination was split into three days under a strict implementation of the health protocols. The vaccination started on Friday, 28th of May 2021 until Sunday, 30th of May 2021 and took place in PT SMI’s office vicinity.
“Employees’ and their families’ health is one of our main focuses. Amid this pandemic, IIF continues to assure the health protection of its employees and families. With this Program, we hope in expediting herd immunity target to end these challenging times” said Mr. Reynaldi Hermansjah, President Director/CEO of IIF.
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) is a private non-bank financial institution, which is engaged in infrastructure financing and advisory services that are professionally managed and focused on commercially viable infrastructure projects. IIF was established on January 15, 2010 at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia – Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia together with the World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other multilateral institutions.
In its operations, IIF applies best practices based on international standards in providing credit, risk management, good corporate governance, and social and environmental protection standards to ensure the sustainability of infrastructure development in Indonesia.
Further Queries:
Nastantio W. Hadi
Head of Legal and Corporate Secretary
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
Telp. (021) 2991 5060; Fax. (021) 2991 5061
[email protected]