June 2021 – As part of webinar series, PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (“IIF”) collaborated with Bisnis Indonesia to host its fourth webinar themed “Innovative Financial Instrument for Infrastructure Financing”. Aside from in-house experts, IIF invited its clients to share their experiences in utilizing IIF’s innovative products.
IIF is unique compare to most of financial institutions. Not only the implementation of social and environmental principles on every funded project, but IIF also provides tailor-made solutions for clients. These innovations prompt the theme for the fourth webinar, which highlights two of IIF’s innovative products given to two institutions in the telecommunication sector.
During this session Mr. Andrijanto, CEO of PT Eka Mas Republik (“MyRepublic”) discussed about the take out financing facility obtained from IIF. While Mrs. Lily Hidayat, Chief Financial Officer of PT Bali Towerindo Sentra Tbk. (“BALI”) shared about the credit enhancement facility obtained by BALI for its bonds issuance purpose.
Mr Reynaldi Hermansjah, President Director of IIF gave his opening speech. Representing IIF, Mr. Idhan Harahap, Managing Director & CIO and Mr. Kevin Tantra, Team Leader of Investment whom they conveyed the financing innovation IIF offers.
“This webinar not only shares our success stories as a catalyst, but also as an effort to provide solutions for infrastructure financing in Indonesia” as explained by Mr. Idhan Harahap, Managing Director & CIO of IIF.
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) is a private non-bank financial institution, which is engaged in infrastructure financing and advisory services that are professionally managed and focused on commercially viable infrastructure projects. IIF was established on January 15, 2010 at the initiative of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia – Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia together with the World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and other multilateral institutions.
In its operations, IIF applies best practices based on international standards in providing credit, risk management, good corporate governance, and social and environmental protection standards to ensure the sustainability of infrastructure development in Indonesia.
Nastantio W. Hadi
Head of Legal and Corporate Secretary
PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance
Telp. (021) 2991 5060; Fax. (021) 2991 5061
[email protected]